Cool Shoes Dude


Hello!! Happy Almost- Spring!! I feel like here in Chicago the weather is super decieving with it looking beautiful outside, but then feeling like you're getting thrown into an ice bath when you step just knocks the wind out of ya! But regardless, the sunshine is gettin me INSPIRED for Spring and Summer and that means new wardrobes and fun new things. I went out shopping with a friend and found these AMAZING shoes.



Ok. Story time. When I saw these shoes and tried them on, I knew I loved them, but I felt like I needed to ask to see if others would like them too. I asked at least 4 other people who all said they would go with different ones... I would get bummed after each one who said that. I tried on a bunch of other options that were also great, but not these ones, ya know?? I ended up going back and buying the ones I loved regardless of what other people thought... Don't get me wrong, I valued what the other people said, but at the core of it, I realized I was just looking for approval! DANG. I was second guessing my taste at the moment and looking to see if other people thought it was cool. 



I know, I know, what a cool story LOL but it’s funny how sometimes it takes the small stuff to really show you the big stuff going on in your mind. Who cares what other people think about your bold statement? OR what you believe? If you are confident in what you believe or in that bold statement, that's what makes it work; that's what will attract people to it and want to know more about it! Let's not be too cool to get excited and confident in what we are passionate about!



ANYWAYS. Here's just some of the cool photos we took the other day:) Links to the stuff down beloooow:) 


Thanks for poppin in🤗🤗 


Jacket: nifty thrifty😬😬

jeans: American Eagle 

Shoes: Vans 

Photos: Karoline😍 ( insta: @kmbanasik )

Hair place: Meraki Room Chicago

makeup: Meghan Jones  (insta:  @meghanharmony )